Eye Care Tips

eye care tips

Why Eye Care is Important

Around 80% of the information we receive from the outside world are processed through the eyes. They affect life more than we can imagine. Taking good care of your eyes means taking good care of your life, and ROHTO EYE DROPS is here to help with that.

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Eye-strain &
the Modern World

TV shows, video games, social media content, and other forms of visual entertainment are everywhere. People are spending more and more time in front of digital screens at home and at work. Heavy traffic requires drivers to stay awake and alert for longer hours on the road. To add to that, elements and pollutants that could irritate and dry the eyes remain abundant in cities.

Eye strain is now more common than ever. Watch out for its common symptoms:

  • Dryness
  • Fatigue
  • Soreness
  • Blurred Vision
  • Bloodshot Eyes
  • Sensitivity to Light
  • Excessive Tear Production

Having any of these is a sign that your eyes are tired and in need of care. Use ROHTO EYE DROPS immediately whenever they appear.

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Eye Care Tips

The best way to deal with eye strain is to prevent it from happening in the first place. To do this, here are some habits you can adapt in your daily life:

Adjust lighting accordingly. When watching TV, it would be better if the room is dimly lit. When reading or working on something, point the light directly on what you’re reading or working on. Be sure the light is not shining directly at your eyes. Using a lamp comes in handy for this.

Avoid air pollution. When outside, try to avoid smoking areas and other places with lots of air pollution. Keep the windows up while driving as well. At home, you can improve air quality by using an air humidifier.

Avoid too much aircon. Evaporation caused by the AC is one of the most common causes of dry eyes. Take breaks from it from time to time by turning it off when you’re at home or stepping outdoors if you’re at work. An air humidifier can also be used to counter its effects.

Blink and take breaks. Sometimes, when we’re too busy reading or working on something, we forget to blink which causes eye strain. Take the time to look away from what you’re reading or working on and blink a lot to give your eyes a break.

Change digital habits. Reducing screen time is ideal. This may not be possible for some people so here are a few tips that can be followed instead:

  • Lessen the screen’s brightness or contrast. Make sure they’re at a level that’s comfortable for the eyes.
  • Blink even more often. This produces tears that will moisten and refresh the eyes countering the eye-straining effects of digital screens.
  • Try the 20-20-20 rule. When staring at a computer screen, look away every 20 minutes and look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.

Use ROHTO EYE DROPS regularly. Aside from using it whenever eye-strain happens, it can also be used daily to prevent eye-strain from happening in the first place. For instant cooling relief that will give your eyes that ultra-refreshing feel, use ROHTO EYE DROPS COOL.

The everyday moments when you can use ROHTO EYE DROPS are the following:

  • When using the computer
  • At work
  • When reading books, newspapers, and the like
  • When watching TV
  • After washing the face
  • Before going out
  • After taking a bath
  • After waking up
  • Before going to bed
  • And more!

Make ROHTO EYE DROPS your daily eye care companion.
Check out our products.